CharacterName: Tanya
Class: Warrior
Specialisation: 2h arms with WF shammy but i can go fury aswell
IRL Age: 19
Played: Since the release
Pre TBC exp: Onyxia, Mc, Bwl, Aq
TBC exp: Kara, gruuls lair, ssc, tk.
professions 1: Enchanting
professions 2: Mining
epic craftable recipes:
Wow History: Used to play rogue in vilohemmet (Ðamien)
armorylink: in Lemuria that would vote for you:
Characteristics: Nice helping guy, got alot of experience when it comes to raiding so you can always count on me.
Why you want to join Lemuria: Played alot of ssc and tk but the guild (vilohemmet) disbanded.. Havn't played much since then but now im longing for some pve again! ^^
Guildcontribution: Nice dps, nice guy and a helping friend^^ what more do i have to say! hehe;P
Final word: Done most of the bosses, i know the drill! count on me