CharacterName: Shortguyy
Class: rogue combat (20/41/0)
Specialisation: None atm. Training enchanting ( 220 skill or so ) mining ( 270 skill i think )
IRL Age: 13
Played: 53days tottal (23 days lvl 70)
Pre TBC exp: ZG , AQ 20 ( abit in AQ40 ) , MC and onyxia.
TBC exp: KZ ( all bosses ) , ZA (all bosses) , TK (Al'ar , Void reaver , solarian) , SSC (lurker) , gruul (all bosses).
professions 1: mining
professions 2: enchanting
epic craftable recipes: Nothing.
Friends in Lemuria that would vote for you: None as far as i kno.
Characteristics: Dependable , Very polite , dont whine or so. ( tough i have done that a few times couse guild disbands or so. ).
Why you want to join Lemuria: I wanna skip getting into a KZ / gruul guild or za or so.. couse i got experience.. and i wanna finish of TK and SSC ( especialy tk couse of kael )
Guildcontribution: I help people when they need gold ( only if i have too ofc ).
I would help whit enchant mats or so even if needed ( if i have gold )
Final word: I would be greatfull if u accepted me. Couse most of the guild ive been in have been abit "slow" or disbanded witch really disturbs me. You are far whit the raiding ( upp to hyjal ive noticed ) , I dont expect me to join some Hyjal raids.. But i would expect to go some TK / SSC raids and the other grindable raids etc za , kz , gruul :p
my gear :
// Shortguyy